In this article, the latest questions asked in the Virtusa recruitment process will be discussed along with Virtusa placement papers from the previous drives. Virtusa programming questions, Virtusa coding questions, and tips and tricks to crack the test are attached here.
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On analyzing previous years’ Virtusa placement papers, we have come up with a detailed syllabus for each section of the Virtusa online test.
1) Virtusa Technical MCQs Round: This section consists of 40-60 programming MCQs. Questions in this round will be based on these topics – C, Java, Computer Organization, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Software Engineering, DBMS, and SQL.
2)Virtusa Programming Round or Virtusa Coding Round: This section consists of 2 questions. The coding questions will be of medium to high difficulty level. You will have the option to code in C, C++, Java, and Python. But at certain times, based on the profile you might have to mandatorily code in Java only.
3) Virtusa Aptitude Round: This section is part of the online test only for certain profiles. While Virtusa excluded this round majority of the time and only concentrates on the above two rounds, it is better to be prepared for this as well. If in case this section is present, then you will have to answer around 40 aptitudes of MCQs in 40 minutes. Questions in this section will be based on these topics – Quantitative Aptitude, Logical reasoning, Verbal Ability, and Reading comprehension.
To make your preparation easier, we are providing you with the sample questions which were previously asked in Virtusa online/written test.
are called cryptarithms or alphabetical coding. Where an alphabet is assigned a code so that the problem is to be solved using a given summation. Write a program to solve such questions, which prints the letter and its corresponding digits that satisfy the given addition.
2) Write a program to find the four-digit numbers, which are perfect squares, and all the digits in that number are even.
3) Write a program to eliminate duplicates in a sorted array.
4) Write a recursive fun to print 100 Fibonacci numbers.
5) Write a program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not?
6) Write a program to sort a linked list.