Hi folks! TCS online aptitude test pattern and preparation strategies need to change according to the latest TCS pattern! As you would know, TCS has changed its online test pattern from this year and will be conducting a coding round along with the other aptitude and verbal rounds.
In this Article we will see the latest pattern and also some useful information to prepare for TCS. You can find some questions to practice on TCS nextstep and TCS campus commune platform. You should also check out TCS code vita. You can also practice TCS touchstone pattern questions.
Online Test Pattern for TCS Exam/Test 2017
The test now consists of 4 Sections instead of the earlier 2 Sections. The total duration, however, remains the same i.e. 90 minutes. The sections are:
E-mail Writing (Verbal Test) – 10 minutes: This is similar to the previous TCS section where you are given 10 minutes to write an E-mail. There’s no negative marking.
Quantitative Test – 40 minutes: This section will have only 20 (18 + 2) questions now with a time limit of 40 minutes. This section will have 2 star questions and also negative marking for wrong answers.
Test on Programming Language Proficiency – 20 minutes: This is where things get interesting. This is the first new Round introduced by TCS and will have 10 MCQ based questions related to basic programming concepts (on C language).
Coding Test – 20 minutes: This is the other new Round introduced where the student will have to solve a coding problem real time using an in-built compiler (on C Language). The student will have to write a C program in this round.
Now let’s look at how to prepare (preparation strategies) for these rounds and get placed in TCS.
TCS Aptitude Questions:
Star Questions: Certain questions are termed as star questions. These carry higher weightage and also higher negative marking.
Some important topics are: Numbers, Time and Work, Averages, Mixtures and Alligations, Data Arrangements, Permutations and Combinations, Ratios and Proportions, Profit and loss, Time, Speed and Distance, Blood Relations, Probability, Ages, Clocks, Sudoku among others.
Make sure you know the basic concepts of all the topics while paying special attention to the above mentioned ones. Always remember that an easy question can be asked from any topic and so you must know at-least basic concepts of all topics.
You can go to Face Prep and prepare for MCQs and other concepts. FACE Prep also has a Course on most repeated TCS aptitude questions which will give you a fairly good idea of what to study.
TCS Most Repeated Questions: Course by FACE Prep
TCS E-mail Writing: TCS has introduced an E-mail writing test for all the candidates. In TCS Recruitment, E-mail writing is the major elimination round, so you need to be very careful while attempting this section.
Let’s look at the structure of the round.
A scenario will be given with some set of phrases, which you will have to use while writing the E-mail. E-mail should not be less than 50 words. The word limit for E-mail writing is 70 to 80 words. Sometimes, limit is mentioned in the question. In that case, you have to write E-mail within the word limit.
Tips to crack the E-mail writing round
1. Usage of words
Don’t make spelling mistakes. Be sure about the words you are using. Better avoid using words for which you do not know the meaning.
2. Avoid typing errors.
3. Use simple sentences rather than compound and complex sentences.
4. Proper word order is very important to convey the intended meaning.
5. Don’t skip any of the given words/phrases.
6. Use formal salutations.
Avoid use of Dear and if you are not clear about the gender of the name given avoid using title. You may use Dear Sir/Ma’am.
7. Keep your E-mail crisp and to the point.
8. Proper signing the E-mail is essential.
Sign the name with the name provided in the question, do not use your own name. In case it is not mentioned then only use your own name with proper designation. Always write Regards, Thanks, Warm Regards before signing it.
Get the full article and examples of E-mail Writing round here.
TCS Coding Round: FACE Prep has a Technical Interview Cracking Course which teaches C from scratch and is the need of the hour for any student aspiring to crack the coding round for TCS.
How to efforlessly crack the Technical Interview Round – Course by FACE Prep
Below are some links which cover basic questions on C to help students prepare for the Coding rounds.
Must Read C Language Questions – Set 1
TCS Sample Coding Questions – as given by TCS
Technical Interview or Aptitude Questions – Set 1
Technical Interview or Aptitude Questions – Set 2
Technical Interview or Aptitude Questions – Set 3
Technical Interview or Aptitude Questions – Set 4
Technical Interview or Aptitude Questions – Set 5
Technical Interview or Aptitude Questions – Set 6
We hope you find this article useful. Do check out the other links and keep checking FACE Prep for more updates!
FACE Prep has a comprehensive course for your complete Aptitude Preparation and TCS preparation.
Check out our Aptitude Course here.
Check out our TCS Course here.
Website: www.faceprep.in