TCS Exam Pattern 2018

TCS Exam Pattern 2018

TCS Exam Pattern 2018: The Mass Recruiter

Tata consultancy services, or TCS, is a multinational company that is spread over 46 countries. It provides consultancy and business solutions and has its headquarters in Mumbai. It is the 4th largest employer in India and employs over 3,78,497 people. It has recently changed its exam pattern which previously consisted of 30 questions to be solved in 80 minutes. The new TCS Exam Pattern 2018 has created a buzz among the students who want to elevate their careers. It’s divided into four sections, with their own marking scheme. The TCS Exam Pattern 2018 is given below:

1. Quantitative writing

It consists of 20 basic aptitude questions which you have to solve in 40 mins. They all carry a negative marking of 0.33 marks. Certain questions marked with a star in the quantitative section generate higher negative marking for wrong answers. Students are allowed to use a simple calculator.

2. Programming language efficiency

This test consists of 20 questions which you have to solve in 20 minutes. This section tests your basic programming skills like input, output and debugging. The questions asked in this section also carry a negative marking of 0.33.

3. Coding test

This section consists of one or two questions, which are required to be solved in 20 minutes. Candidates will use an inbuilt compiler to solve their questions in C++ programming language.

4. English test of Email Writing

This is the most easily scoring section of this exam if prepared well. In this section, candidates are required to draft an Email on the prompt given by the company in 10 minutes.

This is the latest exam pattern known to date. Keep in touch with FACE Prep for more updates.
