Congratulations to Ms. Harshita from Samrat Ashok Technological Institute for getting placed in Capgemini. She recently also sat for SmartPrix, so let’s take a look at the pattern of Smartpix as conducted in her college.
rn1st Round:
rnAptitude: 20Q’s
rnDuration: 30minutes
rnHot topics: Image analysis, image interpretation and blood relation.
rn2nd Round:
rnTechnical: 10Q’s
rnDuration: 30 minutes
rnHot topics: C++, JAVA, Algorithms
rn3rd Round:
rnCoding: 2Q’s
rnDuration: 3hours
rnSample Questions: write a code on keyboard simulations; write a code on assembly language.
rnPlatform: Hackerank
rnEach question will have few sub sets in it and you will also be allowed to take the help of internet.
rn4th Round:
rnTechnical + HR interview
rnNegative marking: (-1) mark against (+3) marks
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