Morgan Stanley came for an internship/campus drive in Lovely Professional University on 4th September. Our team at Campus Placements took an exclusive interview with Mr. Sandeep Reddy asking his experience about the drive.
rnHere are some excerpts from the talk:
rnTotal Number of Question: 17
rn7 MCQ’s were of high level aptitude, 8 questions were filling in the blanks from data structures and algorithms and 2 questions were asked from the coding perspective.
rnTime Allotted: 90 Minutes
rnHot topics for Aptitude: Permutations and combinations, AP/GP series, SI unit conversions, Percentages, Proportions.
rnNo Negative Marking
rnPlatform used – HackerRank
rnThe internship will be for 6 months. Usually all such internships eventually get converted into full-time jobs, so you better buckle up!
rnWords by Sandeep Reddy: To clear this drive…be good in Data structures and algorithms.
rnFor More campus updates follow CampusPlacements and keep checking FACE Prep!