Mindtree is a multi-national company that is headquartered in Bangalore, India. It has been consistently delivering technology services and digital transformation from ideation to execution, enabling Global 2000 clients to surpass the competition. Mindtree serves over 200 clients including 40+ Fortune 500 companies all around the world. Mindtree has received numerous awards over the years, last year Microsoft named the company to be their “Top Emerging Azure Partner for 2015”. To select great minds to contribute to the future endeavors of the company, it follows the Mindtree Placement Pattern.
rnThe MindTree Placement Pattern for 2016 consists of 4 rounds, they are the Aptitude Test (AMCAT), the Coding Test, the Technical Interview, and the Human Resource Interview.
rnThe MindTree Aptitude Test is the first round of Mindtree’s Placement Pattern. It has 3 sections, they are, Quantitative Ability, English, and Logical Ability. The section on Quantitative Ability has 25 questions and is allotted a time duration of 25 minutes, the section on English consists of 25 questions and is allotted 25 minutes, while the section on Logical Ability has 24 questions and is allotted 35 minutes. The total duration of Mindtree’s Aptitude Test is 1 hour 25 minutes.
rnrn Section Name rn | rnrn No. of Questions rn | rnrn Duration rn | rn
rn Quantitative Ability rn | rnrn 25 rn | rnrn 25 Minutes rn | rn
rn English rn | rnrn 25 rn | rnrn 25 Minutes rn | rn
rn Logical Ability rn | rnrn 24 rn | rnrn 35 Minutes rn | rn
rn Total rn | rnrn 74 rn | rnrn 1 Hour 25 Minutes (95 Minutes) rn | rn
The MindTree Programming Test is the second round of the Mindtree Placement Pattern. This round is also called as the Coding Test. It is not considered for elimination, but it is important that the candidate performs well in this round. The Programming Test consists of 2 questions in coding to be done in 45 minutes. The candidate is required to code in any language of his/her choice. It is crucial to have basic knowledge of whichever language the candidate wants to come in.
rnThe Technical Interview is the third round of Mindtree’s Placement Pattern. The candidates who qualify the Mindtree Aptitude Test will be eligible for this round. The candidates are usually asked questions on C Programming, Java, Database Management System, OOPs, Computer Networks, and their core subjects.
rnThe Human Resource round is the last round of Mindtree’s Placement Pattern. Only those candidates who qualify the Technical Interview will make it to this round. The interviewers will assess the candidate’s communication skills and confidence. Occasionally questions related to logical reasoning are also asked in this round. On clearing this round, the candidate will get selected to be a part of Mindtree.
FACE Prep has a comprehensive course for your complete Aptitude Preparation.
Check out our Aptitude Course here.
We wish you all the best for Mindtree’s Recruitment Process.