Let us look at the L&T Infotech experience of a student from UPES College.
rn1. Aptitude round consisted of 5 sections
rnQuants – 10Q’s (Time & Work, Ratios, Averages) [Majority of them were from R S Agarwal]
rnLogical – 10Q’s (Data Interpretation, coding & decoding)
rnVerbal – 10Q’s (Synonyms/Antonyms, fill in the blanks)
rnProgramming – 10Q’s (Finding output, identifying errors in the given code)
rnData base management system– 10Q’s (basic theory questions)
rnDuration of the round: 60 minutes
rnSectional Cut-off: attempt minimum of 7Q’s from each section.
rn2. Group Discussion
rn15 students were allotted in one group with topics such as “Scope of sports in India”, “GST” and “Child labour”.
rnDuration: 15-20 minutes
rn3. Paragraph Writing (Non-elimination round)
rnYou will be asked to write a paragraph on a given topic in not more than 300-400 words. This paragraph will future will be inspected by HR and questions will be asked in the interview round based on it.
rnTopic e.g.: Impacts of social media on students.
rn4. Interview (Technical + HR)
rnTechnical questions were asked from C, C++ and JAVA. Questions depend on what you have written in your CV, if you familiar with any other language they will ask questions on it.
rnPro tips from Aayush:
rn“Have a good command on your spoken English”
rn“Remember what you have written in your paragraph and have valid reasons for it”
rnStay tuned to CampusUpdates for more updates on experiences across India.