HCL is an IT garage start-up that was founded in 1976 and is headquartered in Noida, Delhi. HCL Technologies is a Forbes 2000 company that has over 1,10,000 employees who are located across 31 countries. It generates a revenue of over US $7 billion. HCL has its presence across various sectors including technology, software engineering, research and development, Information Technology, business consulting, and outsourcing services. The company as a whole comprises of HCL Technologies, HCL Infosystems, HCL TalentCare, and HCL Healthcare. The employees at HCL are given the opportunity to develop innovative solutions to customer and operational challenges. To select the most talented candidates to become a part of the company’s workforce, it conducts the HCL Recruitment Process every year.
nThe HCL Recruitment Process 2016 consists of 3 rounds. The rounds are an Online Written Test, a Technical round, and a Human Resource round. The candidates who apply for the HCL recruitment need to qualify each of these rounds to become a part of this company.
nTo apply for the HCL Recruitment, the candidate must possess certain eligibility criteria. The criteria are as follow:
nThe HCL Online Written Test is the first round of the HCL recruitment process. It consists of 4 sections, they are, Quantitative Ability, Reasoning Ability, Verbal Ability, and Technical Ability. The online test consists of a total of 60 questions, each section consists of 15 questions. The comprehensive time duration allotted for the HCL Online Written Test is 1 hour (60 minutes).
nn Section Name n | nn No. of Questions n | nn Duration n | n
n Quantitative Reasoning n | nn 15 n | nn 1 Hour (60 minutes) n | n
n Reasoning Ability n | nn 15 n | n|
n Verbal Ability n | nn 15 n | n|
n Technical Ability n | nn 15 n | n|
n Total n | nn 60 n | nn 1 Hour (60 minutes) n | n
Under each section of the HCL Online Written Test, the candidates are tested on the following topics.
nQuantitative Ability: The candidate is tested on basic Mathematical concepts like arithmetics, geometry, algebra, HCF and LCM, divisibility, decimals, powers, profit and loss, compound interest, time, speed, and distance, permutations and combinations, logarithms, and probability.
nReasoning Ability: The candidate’s logical skills will be tested. The topics included under this section are logical reasoning questions, puzzles, statements and arguments, data sufficiency, coding and de-coding, directional sense, pattern analogy, number series, deductive logic, and statement-assumption.
nVerbal Ability: The candidate requires to have fundamental knowledge and verbal skills to answer this section. The questions in this section test the candidate’s grammar, vocabulary, and other verbal skills.
nTechnical Ability: In this section, the commonly asked questions are on data structure and algorithms, C Programming, OOPs concepts. This section is relatively difficult.
nThe Technical Round is the second phase of the HCL Recruitment Process. Only those candidates who qualify the Online Written Test will proceed to this round. If you are from a Computer Science stream, you must be well prepared on topics like C language and data structures, OOPs concepts, database, etc. If you are not from a computer science background, you could be asked questions about past projects that you have worked on, your internship experience, Cloud Computing, etc.
nThe Human Resource round is the final round of the HCL Recruitment process. The candidates who qualify the Technical round will be eligible for this round. The common questions asked in this round are, “tell me about yourself”, “why HCL”, questions related to your family background and educational background, etc, The candidate’s who make it through this round will be offered a job at HCL.
nWe wish you all the best for the HCL Recruitment Process 2016.