eLitmus registration is important as eLitmus pH test score is used by a lot of well-known companies likes Dell, General Electric, etc. to recruit graduates.If you are a job-seeker or looking for a change, then eLitmus is a good opportunity to grab. However, eLitmus is comparatively difficult than other employability assessment tests like AMCAT, CoCubes etc.Learn how eLitmus is different from other employability tests here.
How to apply for eLitmus pH test is given step by step. Follow the below steps and complete the process.
To register for the exam first, create an account by registering in www.elitmus.com
As a part of the account creation process, the following details are required to be filled.
Once the above-mentioned details are entered, the account will be activated only if the verification link sent to the registered email ID is activated.
Since recruiters want more information about the candidates educational qualification, education details need to be entered. Education details include
Apart from the education details, the following details need to entered too in order to increase the strength of the candidates profile.
Accepted file type for resumes are .pdf and .docx. The maximum allowed size for a resume is 300KB.
In case the test fee is paid before the last date to pay for the test, then the Admit card will be generated either 2 days before the date of the pH test or a day after the last day to register/pay for the test, which ever is later.To download admit card,
The fees for eLitmus Registration is Rs.920 (Including taxes).The following Modes of Payment are accepted by eLitmus
Know more about the syllabus, test pattern, exam dates and preparation strategies.
ID Requirement: Government-issued ID (like Driving license, passport, Voter Id card etc). Printout of eAadhar is not accepted.
Documents Requirement: X th, XII th, Graduation/Post graduation mark sheets (Final year students need to carry the marks sheets available till date).
Other essentials: eLitmus Admit Card with photo pasted
1) Where can I take the pH test? Will the pH test be conducted in my campus?
The pH Test is conducted every few weeks across the country. The schedule of upcoming tests is regularly published on www.elitmus.com/upcoming_test241. eLitmus only visits a campus for conducting the pH test when approached by the relevant college authorities. If you wish to conduct a pH test at your campus, please ask your training and placement department to get us in touch over the email at query@elitmus.com.
2) I had paid for the pH test but I was unable to attend the event. Please help.
If you were absent for a pH test, then you would be awarded a scholarship code. This will enable you to give the test at a later date for a reduced fee. However, only students who have paid the full test fee will be eligible for the discount voucher.This discount voucher will reflect in your eLitmus account within 21 working days of your first test date.
3) Where can I get my Registration ID/Test ID for my pH Test?
Registration ID is a 13/14 digit number starting with EL which is unique to the test applied for. After applying for a pH test, you can get your Registration ID in Tests -> My Tests section of your eLitmus account.