Check whether a number is PALINDROME or Not | faceprep

Check whether a number is PALINDROME or Not | faceprep

The program to check whether the given number is a palindrome or not is discussed here. Check below for the full code in different programming languages!


Any number is said to be a palindrome if the original number and the reverse of the original number are the same.

For example, 1234321 is a palindrome.nnOriginal number = 1234321nThe reverse of the number = 1234321n


Algorithm to check whether a number is a palindrome or not

  • Input the number.
  • Find the reverse of the number.
  • If the reverse of the number is equal to the number, then return true. Else, return false.

A number can be checked if it is a palindrome or not in both iterative and recursive approaches. Both approaches are discussed below.


Palindrome or not using an iterative approach


Time complexity: O(n)

Palindrome or not using a recursive approach


Time complexity: O(n)

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