Aspiring Minds Computer Adaptive Test, or more commonly known as AMCAT is a gateway to a number of career opportunities for students across India. The AMCAT test has two modules of which, one is compulsory and tests the general ability of a candidate across quantitative ability, logical reasoning, and verbal ability. The second module is to test the candidate’s knowledge on a particular subject. This varies based on the choice of the candidate.
rnThe details about the AMCAT exam pattern and modules can be found out here. Also, it is advisable to know the benefits of giving the Amcat exam.
Visit and click on ‘Register’ option on the top right corner or click on the below link and it will take you to the registration page directly. The screenshot of the registration page is also given below.
rnLink to Amcat Registration page –
rnNow fill in your details like name, email id, mobile number, degree and year of graduation. Once you fill them, click on the submit button.
rnIf you register with Facebook, LinkedIn or Google+, then you will receive an email with your login ID and password.
You can now schedule your Amcat exam whenever you want. Click on ‘schedule Amcat‘. Select month and city in which you would like to appear for AMCAT. You can book slots 3 months in advance.
rnNow choose from the available dates and timeslots. The test center location is mentioned clearly. Once you select these, click on ‘Book‘ option.
This is the last step of your Amcat registration. You will find the payment details on the screen. Scroll down the page and you will find the option ‘Pay now‘
rnSelect the mode of payment of your choice and complete the payment process. Before you make the payment please refer this for complete information – Amcat Fee structure, rescheduling options etc
rnNote: You shouldn’t have appeared for AMCAT 45 days before reappearing for the exam.
rnAfter successful completion of the payment, you shall receive a unique AMCAT Id and this means that you have secured your spot to appear for AMCAT.
Once you have scheduled your Amcat exam, you need to start your preparation. We have collected enough information on each of the things you need to know before you start your preparation.
Click here to check out our course
rnHighlights of the program
The documents you need to carry to the test center are:
rnHow to download Amcat Admit card?
rnThe Amcat admit card will be sent to your registered email id. Also, an SMS will be sent to your registered mobile number. The admit card will contain details such as date, location, timings etc.
rnI have got an SMS regarding an event, but I have not received my admit card in email?
rnPlease check your junk email/spam email folder or Please wait for atleast 3 hours after you have got the SMS. The email might be on its way. In case you don’t get the admit card, click here to contact us.
1) How much do I have pay for AMCAT?
rnFor Amcat Fee-related information, check here.
2) Where do I find materials for Amcat Preparation?
rnYou can check out our Free resources for Amcat Preparation.
3) I have not printed my admit card. Can I still come to the event?
rnNo. You would require a printed admit card. In certain events at short notice, the admit card might say that you may come without the admit card. In that case, please read the admit card carefully and bring all required documents. Please carry proof of SMS and AMCAT ID for easy verification.
4) What is the AMCAT ID?
rnAMCAT ID is a [14] digit unique ID generated when a candidate appears for the AMCAT. It is generated during the test taking process and is given to the candidate. The candidate should keep the AMCAT ID safely as it acts as a future reference for test scores, job interviews and offers.
5) My admit card has some wrong details. What should I do?
rnIf you have already taken the AMCAT, please check your profile on myAMCAT and correct any problems. Otherwise contact here to get your admit card rectified. You may still proceed to the event and request the Aspiring Minds representative at the event to help correct the issue.
6) Would like to change my reporting time for the event. How can I do that?
rnCurrently, there is no provision to change the reporting time or test time. The event is very carefully planned for 100s of students and candidates. Hence for your own convenience and that of others, we recommend that you follow instructions as per admit card issued.
7) I have registered for AMCAT and fee has been deducted from my Credit/Debit Card/Bank Account but I haven’t received my Admit Card?
rnFor some transactions, it takes 24-48 hours for the payment to reflect in our account. Your admit card will be mailed to you as soon as the amount is credited in our account.