Accenture is a global professional leader that provides a wide range of services and solutions in consulting, strategy, technology, digital, and operations. Accenture combines unmatched experience and specialized skills in over 40 industries across all business functions with the help of the world’s largest delivery network. It works at the cross-section between technology and business and delivers high quality performance to its clients located in over 120 countries across the world, with the help of its enormous workforce – 3,75,00 people. It belongs to the Fortune 500 Group and was ranked as the 84th Best Company to Work for in 2016. To select talented and skilled students to become a part of this global giant, the company conducts the Accenture Recruitment Process every year.
nLink to Fortune 500’s 100 Best Companies to Work For 2016.
nAccenture Recruitment Process 2016 is conducted to select smart, young candidates to be a part of Accenture’s workforce. Accenture’s hiring process for 2016 consists of 3 rounds. The 3 rounds of Accenture’s Recruitment Process 2016 are the Written Test, the Technical Interview, and the Human Resource Interview.
nAccenture Written Test Pattern consists of 3 sections, they are, Verbal Ability, Reasoning Ability, and Attention to Detail. This is the first round of the Accenture Recruitment Process 2016. Accenture’s written test has a separate time frame for each section and includes a sectional cut-off. The Verbal Ability section has 20 questions that need to be answered within 20 minutes, the Reasoning Ability section has 20 questions that need to be answered within 25 minutes, and the section on Attention to Detail has 15 questions and is allotted a time frame of 15 minutes. The test does not include negative marking. The expected cut-off for the Verbal and Reasoning Ability sections is likely to be 12-14 correct answers, while the cut-off for the section on Attention to Detail is likely to be 8-10 correct answers.
nn Section Name n | nn No. of Questions n | nn Duration n | n
n Verbal Ability n | nn 20 n | nn 20 n | n
n Reasoning Ability n | nn 20 n | nn 25 n | n
n Attention to Detail n | nn 15 n | nn 15 n | n
n Total n | nn 55 n | nn 60 Minutes (1 Hour) n | n
Accenture Technical Interview is the second round of the Accenture Recruitment Process 2016. The candidates who qualify the written test will be eligible for the Technical Interview. The candidate must prepare well for this round. In the Technical Interview round, the candidates will be asked questions on programming languages like C Programming, C++ Programming, Java, etc,
nClick here, to get free access to a course on Technical Interview Prep: C Programming Common Bugs and Solutions and articles on Preparation Tips for Technical Interviews.
nAccenture Human Resource Round is the final round of the Accenture Recruitment Process 2016. The candidates who clear the Technical Interview round will proceed to the Human Resource Interview round. In this round, the candidate will be asked general Human Resource Interview questions like “tell me about yourself”, “what are your career goals”, “why Accenture?”, “why did you choose this college and stream”, “why should Accenture hire you?”
nClick here, to read articles on tips for the Human Resource Interview.
nWe wish you all the best for the Accenture Recruitment Process 2016!